Friday, June 27, 2008

An Online Career Store?

In both my work and personal lives, I have always been proactive with the use of advancing technologies. I firmly believe that technology has always and will always help ignite a successful future, no matter what endeavor you choose in life. Agree or disagree with this article, I only hope you take the time to read my words of, what I truly think, are wisdom.

As we all know, 1992 marked the real beginning of the World Wide Web, which was a huge mile-stone for technology. Just for a second, I want you to imagine yourself living before the World Wide Web. Can you picture a store where you would take a roll of film so that your photos could be developed? I can. Now, picture this – a store where you would take a resume so that your career could be developed. A store existing not just to find your first or next job, but to actually enhance your entire career by helping you manage each of your career moves, effectively molding and solidifying your entire future.

Fast forward to today, where all sorts of web-related tools continue to knock on our technological-oriented doors. We have seen Google make its impact, we have seen eBay make its impact, and in the social networking arena, we have seen Facebook make its impact on our lives. But have we seen that career-related store morph into a reliable online networking community, using simple web software and personalization tools, to truly help people develop entire careers and futures yet? No. And it’s only a matter of time.

It is this Online Career Store that is missing from our technological-oriented lives. And it is this Online Career Store that will become a reality, becoming the next technological mile-stone – perhaps not as massive as the World Wide Web, but definitely big enough to positively impact a lot of people. And that would be a very good thing.