Friday, January 9, 2009

A Step Closer to Getting 1 MILLION People Jobs in 2009...

Check out eHire's CTO - Shaul Halevi - demo the candidate side of our upcoming candidate-centric web 2.0 software at a recent TechAviv event:!

It's about time we help you all get Hired with eHire!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ready for a New Job? Get Hired with eHire!

The process of finding the right job or right candidate in today's economic environment can be fraught with tension and uncertainty. That's why we are creating a united community to bring together candidates and recruiters who can help you shape your career.

We are developing a unique platform that is designed to help you initiate and foster trusting relationships, save you valuable time, and advance your career. Joe Sabrin, eHire's founder, is a 40-year recruiting veteran who understands what it takes to bring people and careers together in a way that benefits everyone. In fact, his commitment is to find jobs for one MILLION people in 2009.

While we are still developing this new community, Joe wants to give you another opportunity to take advantage of a limited-time career-coaching program - one that's by invitation only and that is open to only the first 1,000 qualified participants.

All you have to do is e-mail your resume to Joe himself at Once Joe reviews your resume, he will give you feedback either way, and if you are accepted into the program, you'll receive a 4-month program of personalized career coaching PLUS one year of free access to eHire's job-matching software (a $99 value!). You'll receive all of these benefits for a one-time fee of $65.

It sounds unbelievable, but it's true. Become part of eHire's commitment of finding jobs for one million people this year.

It's time to get Hired with eHire!