Monday, March 9, 2009

eHire Releases Pilot Program!

eHire Releases Pilot of Candidate-Centric Process-Driven Career Platform

First 5,000 Job Seekers Register for Free

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--eHire, a new ground-breaking Web 2.0 platform that promotes a more efficient hiring process through better communication between candidates and recruiting professionals, today announced the Pilot launch of its job-matching technology. Access to the platform is free for the first 5,000 job seekers during eHire’s Pilot program.

“Our goal is to help one million people find jobs in 2009 with eHire” says Joe Sabrin, Founder and President of eHire. “Connecting between people and jobs is simply not enough anymore, when the information about candidates and positions is largely available on all types of media. We are giving back some control over the recruiting process to candidates, who often feel their resume has become a commodity lost somewhere in cyberspace” explains Dr. Val Golan, eHire’s newly appointed Chief Marketing Officer. “It’s time to empower people with the right tools to make their job search as effective and pain-free as possible, and beyond that, to really implement a career-based community.”

To this aim, eHire has implemented unique job seeker features such as a job scoring mechanism, social networking components, comparative application and qualification views, and career check-up services. Recruiters and hiring managers are encouraged to post their positions with no upfront fees during the Pilot program. The platform provides job-matching and candidate tracking tools to simplify and optimize the accuracy of the whole hiring process.

Job seekers can use promo code TRPR1 to register for free.

Recruiters and hiring managers can e-mail to request a unique promotion code.

About eHire

eHire is the first candidate-centric, process-driven and job-matching platform that focuses on making the job search more efficient and providing a better user experience to all sides of the career equation. With no upfront fees for hiring managers and recruiters to post their open positions on eHire, the platform serves as a dynamic and interactive solution to allow job seekers to voice their unique skills and career aspirations.

For more information about eHire, visit

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Vision of eHire...

One of the most fascinating phenomena in the scientific community is that of parallel discovery. When the time is right, researchers in one part of the world will discover something of incredible significance while scientists in another part of the world will come across the same findings within days, even as humanity had waited centuries for such a result. This phenomenon is similar to what occurred in the 1960’s when American scientists were the first to achieve the unthinkable scenario of having a man walk along the surface of the moon.

I’ve had for some time a vision of the perfect recruiting platform, which would be web-based, process-driven, and candidate-centric. I started pushing the idea, and consulted with my friend Ran Margalit, who is a genius programmer and has the greatest patience for my idealistic, if unpractical ideas. With Ran, everything seems to be feasible and achievable within the span of a few months. This time, he asked me to think about it, and I realized that this endeavor may have been considered large and difficult, even by my standards. Then I heard of eHire. It seems that Joe Sabrin, and Shaul Halevi, both brilliant entrepreneurs, had developed the exact platform I envisioned, and even made it better. It took them about 5 years of hard work and iterations, culminating in the much anticipated product release on March 1, 2009.

The really exciting part is that we immediately saw the potential for a great partnership, and as of Friday the 13th, I am officially the Chief Marketing Officer of eHire. I remain, of course, Managing Director of GoLAN Consulting, which I have built and grown over the past 6 years. We plan to capitalize on the unique synergy between the two companies, as I will be one of the platform’s most avid users on the recruiting side.

In short, they built the rocket, but they are gracefully taking me along for the big adventure. Honestly, I cannot think of a better way to get to the moon.

Written by Val Golan

Friday, February 6, 2009

eHire's First Official Press Release

On February 6, 2009, eHire distributed its first official press release below to the New York metro region:

eHire to Launch Pilot Version of Ground-Breaking Job-Matching Technology on March 1, 2009

First 5,000 Job Seekers to Join eHire to Have Free Access Through Pilot Program

New York, NY February 6, 2009 --- eHire, an innovative online job matching community, announced today the upcoming March 2009 launch of its pilot program. The first 5,000 job seekers to join eHire will have free access through the pilot program.

eHire has built the first low-cost candidate-centric and transparent job matching online recruitment platform that gives both candidates a voice in the hiring process and enables recruiters/employers to efficiently find qualified candidates. In essence, the eHire community-based application is the "eHarmony" for online recruiting, and includes features such as a multi-layered matching engine, a robust scoring mechanism, social networking components, comparative application and qualification views, career check-up services, and the automatic parsing of resumes, and more.

According to Joe Sabrin, Founder and President of eHire, “Finding a job is a process fraught with uncertainty and anxiety for everyone involved. Employers worry about finding the right person. Candidates never know where they stand or if the job they applied for is truly right for them. These issues are heightened by the recession. Our goal is to help 1 million people get new jobs in 2009.”

Ultimately, revenue will be generated from both candidates and recruiters/employers; candidate pricing will utilize a subscription model while recruiters/employers will pay success-only fees.

“This platform has been evolving since the late nineties,” Mr. Sabrin explained. “It marries 40 years of recruiting experience to the latest Web 2.0 software innovations and leverages social networking to reflect the needs and perspectives of everyone participating in the process. eHire sees the job-search process as a mutually cooperative relationship which can be improved and accelerated by the skillful application of disruptive technology.”

To get in line for the eHire Community:



About eHire
eHire is the Web 2.0 job matching community that unites candidates with recruiters/employers. The time-saving, comprehensive and transparent eHire platform allows for the easy communication between candidates and recruiters/employers, and the meshing of these forces. It also provides a channel for the incubating and growth of important business relationships that benefits every member. For more information regarding eHire, visit today.

Here are just some of the recipients of the release:

Yahoo! Finance:




Yahoo News:;_ylt=A9j8euzKSx5HdgoBPCfQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTBhNjRqazhxBHNlYwNzZWFyY2g-?p=eHire+to+Launch+Pilot+Version+of+Ground-Breaking+Job-Matching+Technology+on+March+1%2C+2009&c=&x=wrt

GoogleWeb: News:

Friday, January 9, 2009

A Step Closer to Getting 1 MILLION People Jobs in 2009...

Check out eHire's CTO - Shaul Halevi - demo the candidate side of our upcoming candidate-centric web 2.0 software at a recent TechAviv event:!

It's about time we help you all get Hired with eHire!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ready for a New Job? Get Hired with eHire!

The process of finding the right job or right candidate in today's economic environment can be fraught with tension and uncertainty. That's why we are creating a united community to bring together candidates and recruiters who can help you shape your career.

We are developing a unique platform that is designed to help you initiate and foster trusting relationships, save you valuable time, and advance your career. Joe Sabrin, eHire's founder, is a 40-year recruiting veteran who understands what it takes to bring people and careers together in a way that benefits everyone. In fact, his commitment is to find jobs for one MILLION people in 2009.

While we are still developing this new community, Joe wants to give you another opportunity to take advantage of a limited-time career-coaching program - one that's by invitation only and that is open to only the first 1,000 qualified participants.

All you have to do is e-mail your resume to Joe himself at Once Joe reviews your resume, he will give you feedback either way, and if you are accepted into the program, you'll receive a 4-month program of personalized career coaching PLUS one year of free access to eHire's job-matching software (a $99 value!). You'll receive all of these benefits for a one-time fee of $65.

It sounds unbelievable, but it's true. Become part of eHire's commitment of finding jobs for one million people this year.

It's time to get Hired with eHire!